Case Study 2

The documents below describe Andrew, a second grade student.  Using these materials, write a response in which you apply your knowledge of assessment and instruction to analyze this case study.  

Your response should include three parts: 

1. identify three of Andrew's strengths and/or needs at this point in the school year, citing evidence from the documents to support your observations; 

2. describe two specific instructional strategies and/or activities designed to foster Andrew's literacy development for the remainder of the school year by addressing the needs and/or building on the strengths you identified; and 

3. explain how each strategy/activity you describe would promote Andrew's reading proficiency.

Andrew is 7 years old and will turn 8 before school starts. He repeated first grade last year and will enter 2nd grade this fall.  End of the year testing shows that he is still not at the level he needs to be when entering 2nd grade.  He has ADHD and is taking medication in order to focus.  He loves to talk. 

Andrew lives with his mom, dad, and younger two sisters.  He spends time playing games with his 5 year old sister. When choosing books, he found one on hamsters that he wanted to read to his sister, because she has a hamster.  He has many books at home and practices reading often.  Andrew also enjoys spending time with his grandma. She provides him with a variety of experiences.  He went to beach with her this summer.  While they were there, the string rays were feeding on the abundance of algae at the shoreline.  They were unable to swim, but spent many hours watching the rays. He is interest in reading books about sting rays now. He relates and talks well with adults.  

Interest/Attitude Survey

I live with: mom, dad, and 2 sisters
When I get home from school I like to: play games with my oldest sister like hide and seek or Candyland
My favorite TV show is: Sponge Bob
My favorite movie is: Scooby Doo
My favorite movie star is: Patrick Star
I play an instrument: the guitar, but my sister broke the strings.  I will have to get new strings.
I participate in a sport called: baseball – pitching machine.  I was on the Dragon team.
I listen to music and my favorite group/singer is: Kid Rock
I spend time on my hobby: hunting and shooting guns with my dad
My favorite subject in school is: Math! I’m real good at math!
My favorite thing to read is: (This answer took some thought.) A book with a three headed dog that I have on my big book shelf that my dad made me.  It is full of books.

Topics I like to read about include:  Sponge Bob, The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  Sting rays are of special interest right now. 
My plans for my future include: learning to drive a car
Other things I would like to share about me:  (Thinks hard.) I am good at coloring!

Running Record - recorded miscues

Unaided/Aided Retelling

Unaided Retelling:
Morris thought Cow was a moose like him.  He said, “Let’s ask someone else.”  They asked Deer who Cow was.  Then they said, “Let’s ask someone else.”  Then they asked a horse.  Then they figured out who they were.

Aided Retelling:
How did they figure that out?  By looking in the water.
Why was Morris mixed up?  Because of the horns
Is there anything else you want to tell me about the story?  Shakes head no.

Andrew did speak in complete sentences during the unaided retelling.  He told the details in chronological order.  He named the characters, but gave no character development.  He gave little in depth comments beyond the wording of the story. 

Phoneme Segmentation Assessment